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Pharmacy Management

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The Pharmacy Management web application with a responsive user interface and robust backend allows clinics, hospitals, and pharmacies to manage their virtually all tasks. One can achieve important tasks like billing, stock standing, customers, doctors, monthly reports, just to name a few. Not just that, It is a multi-level user-based web application with a default administrator and multiple pharmacy shops.


  • Customer Management Module
  • Supply & Purchase Module
  • Inventory Module
  • Easy Invoicing System
  • Financial Module
  • Product Management Module
  • Print Invoices
  • Daily, Monthly, Yearly Sales, Profit and Expense Report
  • Due Payment Management
  • Choose Any Currency
  • Medicine, Drugs, Customers, Employees, Clients, supplier and Users management
  • POS (Point of Sale) management
  • Search Medicine, Customer, Purchase, Invoices by Its First Letter
  • Sales Graph
  • Generate Report By Date Range and Many More.